Corporate Restructuring
Post Merger Integration
Performance Improvement
Sales Support
IT Services
Project Services
Change Management
Personnel Services

In recent years, Europe’s companies have been exposed to change processes of previously unknown dimensions.
It is the declared purpose of EMCG to successfully handle these changes (see Mission).

Here are the typical symptoms of a far-reaching corporate crisis that calls for a restructuring process:

  • Continuous decline of sales and earnings

  • Decline of relative market share

  • Critical liquidity situation

  • Underperformance in various functional areas

  • Prolonged quality problems

In these situations, companies also have to confront the special difficulties of restructuring: time pressure, complex company analysis and planning demands, growing employee demoralisation and scarcity of internal management capacity, and all of this while trying to keep the existing business going. Most often, a company does not have the necessary objectivity and experience in the application of analysis methods; internal teams often have to face problems of acceptance and assertion. There is an understandable temptation to start dealing with the situation by trying to fix the consequences of the crisis but this usually just costs unnecessary time on the market and quickly leads to loss of confidence both inside and outside the company.

The decisive factor in overcoming a company crisis is to successfully eliminate the causes of the problem. A company’s competitiveness cannot be recovered using standard solutions. You need speedy, individual and coherent concepts that address the strategic and operative causes of the problem directly and align your company with the needs of its customers.

EMCG has the experience and expertise to assure your company’s long-term competitive position; our restructuring services cover the following areas:

  • Short-tem profit-raising measures

  • Liquidity-safeguarding programmes

  • Identification of loss-makers

  • Strategic relaunch

  • Revision and strengthening of market position

  • Cost reduction programmes

  • Optimisation of structures and processes

  • Personnel audit

  • Setup of effective control mechanisms and systems

  • Growth programmes and sales drives

To our highly analytical and methodical competence we can add many years of industry-related experience, our comprehensive process and technology know-how and the necessary experience in dealing with change processes.

We set great store by interdisciplinary teams that include your company’s people and we stipulate ambitious, measurable targets that provide a solid basis for the assumption of responsibility.

- From sustainable concepts to implementation monitoring and results-oriented remuneration.

EMCG The European Management Consulting Group GmbH
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